Juan es un mileurista atracado por el gobierno

Juan es un mileurista atracado por el gobierno

La generación de los mil euros resumen

La mitad de los jóvenes españoles (es decir, los menores de 25 años) están ya oficialmente en paro, mientras que el desempleo global en España se sitúa en el 24,4%, según las últimas cifras publicadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Ambas cifras son casi exactamente el doble de las medias de la UE, según Eurostat de la Comisión Europea.
El anuncio del Gobierno español de una nueva ronda de drásticos recortes presupuestarios -junto con una subida de impuestos- fue precedido por una visita del Gobierno a la residencia real, en un claro intento de contar con la aprobación del Rey para las evidentemente impopulares medidas de austeridad.
El rey Juan Carlos se mostró orgulloso en una foto de grupo en aparente apoyo incondicional a su decisión, aunque en su discurso advirtió que «nadie debe quedar excluido de la recuperación económica», explicando que «piensa especialmente en los jóvenes y en los parados».
Sin embargo, es difícil ver cómo la política del gobierno actual aborda la crisis actual del desempleo juvenil y la falta de perspectivas. Las cifras globales de desempleo publicadas recientemente, correspondientes al mes de junio, indican un descenso del 2,1% en comparación con el mes de mayo. El descenso, que refleja principalmente el aumento estacional del trabajo temporal en el sector turístico, es el más alto de los últimos 16 años, pero el número de contratos de larga duración firmados en junio de 2012 fue, de hecho, un 2,1% inferior al de junio de 2011.

Who created the term mileurista? how did the term spread?

In addition to the economic situation, the concept refers to the high academic training required, since in order to be a mileurista it is usually necessary to have higher education, including master’s degrees, postgraduate studies and languages, all in a labor market that does not reward such preparation.
The similarity between the terms «scholarship holder» and «precarious» is often used to refer to scholarship researchers without a regular employment contract, either by substituting the former for the latter or by juxtaposing them.
In Greece, the minimum wage is €700 and the Greek media popularized the term the €700 generation. This generation developed in circumstances that led to the Greek debt crisis and the Greek protests of 2010-2011.[11] This generation is the one that has been the subject of the Greek media.

Mileurista en español

Espido Freire addresses in this book, published by Ariel, the study of her own generation, of the myths created and the real ones; she analyzes the daily reality of young people who grew up with the promise of having everything and who have obtained a thousand euros in exchange.
«(…) The writer is concerned about «the non-assumption of power by a generation that is young but no longer so young». That is why her book is not one of testimonies, but of analysis, and in it three generations confront each other with meager results for the mileuristas (…)»
The difficulties that arise when trying to analyze the phenomenon of the mileuristas multiply with each new step. One of them, not the least, is that we are talking about a young and changing population, which is subjected to a synchronic study: as if we were to open a cut in society with a knife, and try to decipher what message is hidden inside, and what we find is hot butter that allows an easy stab, but which melts, flows and changes.

Mileurista definition

The mileurista is a young graduate, with languages, postgraduate degrees, masters and short courses (…) who does not earn more than 1,000 euros. He spends more than a third of his salary on rent, because he likes the city. He doesn’t save, doesn’t have a house, doesn’t have a car, doesn’t have children, lives from day to day….
Both times I failed and have gone back to my parents. It’s not that I can’t. But with what I earn, if I pay about 600 euros for rent for an apartment, 200 for the car payment (I need it for work) and 200 more for food, I have nothing left. And since I’m out of the house all day I spend, at least, six euros a day, between cigarettes and so on; so that’s it.
And Carolina assures: «Yes, we don’t know what will become of us. This thing of living from day to day gives freedom, because you have nothing fixed and you can allow yourself, at a given moment, to go far away, without consulting anyone, to break with everything. That’s true. But I miss a certain security. We’ve been doing it day by day for so long that… it’s tiring».
It’s eleven o’clock at night. Carolina, Laura, Ainara and Belén’s apartment begins to fill up: friends of one or the other drop by, join in the conversation. Cans of beer are brought out and crowd the low table. They talk a lot, laugh, make plans to go out. Carolina smiles: «That’s how it always is, people come unexpectedly, a lot of people, like when we were students, it’s a life of an eternal student. The bad thing is that we are no longer students. It’s fun, but…» But it gets tiring.