El capricho de gaudi restaurante
Indeed, it is El Capricho, a very curious modernist building that together with two others in Astorga and Leon, are the only three works that Antonio Gaudi built outside Catalonia.
Many years ago, on a quick visit to Comillas, a typical summer village on the western coast of Cantabria, I did not fail to approach to see Gaud铆’s building, because I will not be original if I say that I am very attracted by its architecture.
In this case, the design has an influence of oriental architecture, highlighting the original minaret tower, which you can also see in some other work of Gaud铆 of the late nineteenth century, such as Casa Vicens.
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After crossing a small temple of four stone columns with capitals decorated with birds, you should notice the half-timbered ceiling of the former master bedroom, as well as the fireplace with a hearth made of ceramics.
Art and gastronomy merge again so that we can fully enjoy both concepts, taste a splendid meal surrounded by modernist architecture, that of the great Catalan genius Antoni Gaudí.
In the Restaurant El Capricho de Gaudí you can find classic international cuisine, since most customers are tourists from all corners of the planet, attracted by the culinary art and by the «particular work of Gaudí». The good thing about an international cuisine is that it can be adapted to all kinds of palates, so you will always find something to your taste.
El capricho de gaudi restaurante online
El Capricho es una villa en Comillas, Cantabria, España, diseñada por Antoni Gaudí. Se construyó entre 1883 y 1885 para el uso veraniego de un cliente adinerado, Máximo Díaz de Quijano[1].
Gaudí, que sólo diseñó un pequeño número de edificios fuera de Cataluña, participó en otros proyectos en Comillas. Fue ayudante de Joan Martorell en otra residencia de verano, el palacio de Sobrellano.
El Capricho pertenece al periodo orientalista del arquitecto, durante los inicios de la obra de Gaudí. El Capricho permite ver todos los fundamentos en los que se basa el modernismo, anticipando el modernismo de vanguardia europeo. La torre ha sido comparada con un minarete. Tras la muerte de Máximo Díaz de Quijano, este edificio se utilizó como casa de veraneo de los más poderosos económica y políticamente[2].
The whim of gaudí history
Gaudí carried out a project of orientalizing style, in parallel to his contemporary work in the Vicens house in Barcelona, with reminiscences of Gothic, Oriental, Mudejar and Nasrid arts.[6] Possibly Gaudí was inspired by a project for a pier that he had made during his university studies, in 1876.[7] The building has an elongated floor plan in the shape of a «U», with a surface area of 720 m² and a floor plan of 15 × 36 meters (15 × 36 ft).
The building has an elongated U-shaped plan, with an area of 720 m² and a floor plan of 15 × 36 meters. It contains a semi-basement, a main floor and an attic, connected by two spiral staircases, and a cylindrical tower in the form of a Persian minaret, completely covered with ceramics. Various materials were used in its construction, such as stone, brick, tile, iron and tile, combined in different shades, which gives a great chromatic richness to the whole.[16] The main entrance to the house is located on the ground floor.
The main entrance to the house is on the north side, in a monumental portico over which stands the tower-minaret, with four columns and linteled arches, with capitals decorated with birds and palm leaves, as in the Vicens house.[19] The window of the main door has a stepped shape, and is covered with green tiles in the intrados and in the form of sunflowers in the impost.[20] The window is decorated with a tile of green color in the intrados and in the form of sunflowers in the impost.[21] The window of the main door has a staggered shape.