El potro cartel del valle

El potro cartel del valle

The man in overalls

This new organization was led by Orlando Henao Montoya. In 1998, when Orlando Henao Montoya, nicknamed the Capo de Capos, was assassinated, the Norte del Valle Cartel split into two factions: one led by Diego Montoya Sánchez and the other under the command of Wílber Alirio Varela, who was the head of Orlando Henao Montoya’s assassin apparatus.[1]
Andres Lopez «Florecita», one of the cartel members turned himself in in the United States and while serving his sentence wrote a book called El cartel de los sapos, in which he recounts his vision of the Norte del Valle Cartel. Canal Caracol made a series based on this book called El cartel, where real and imaginary facts converge. In this series the characters do not have their real names or aliases.

Orlando henao narcos

This new organization was led by Orlando Henao Montoya. In 1998, when Orlando Henao Montoya, nicknamed the Capo de Capos, was assassinated, the Norte del Valle Cartel split into two factions: one led by Diego Montoya Sánchez and the other under the command of Wílber Alirio Varela, who was the head of Orlando Henao Montoya’s assassination apparatus.[1] In 1998, the cartel split into two factions.
Andres Lopez «Florecita», one of the cartel members turned himself in in the United States and while serving his sentence wrote a book called El cartel de los sapos, in which he recounts his vision of the Norte del Valle Cartel. Canal Caracol made a series based on this book called El cartel, where real and imaginary facts converge. In this series the characters do not have their real names or aliases.

Cartel del valle iván urrego

Buenaventura es una ciudad con una población de 333.194[3] según el censo de 2005. La mayor parte del desarrollo de la ciudad se encuentra en la isla Cascajal. La mayor parte del territorio de la ciudad es rural con pequeños pueblos dispersos. Cuenta con el aeropuerto Gerardo Tobar López.
La ciudad fue fundada el 14 de julio de 1540 por Juan de Ladrilleros por orden de Pascual de Andagoya. En aquella época estaba habitada por los Buscajas. La ciudad fue destruida por los nativos americanos antes de 1600 [¿por qué?]; posteriormente fue reconstruida. Buenaventura prosperó tras la apertura del Canal de Panamá en 1914, y en la década de 1950 se convirtió en escala habitual de la «jet set» internacional. Hoy en día, la ciudad es crucial para el envío de materias primas a las zonas cercanas; esto ha traído prosperidad y ha permitido que se produzcan nuevos desarrollos recientes.
La ciudad es uno de los principales puertos del continente, y representa casi el 60% de todas las importaciones y exportaciones marítimas colombianas[6]. Sin embargo, debido a su posición estratégica, la economía de la ciudad se ha visto obstaculizada por la actividad de las bandas que se disputan el control del puerto, lo que la ha convertido en una de las ciudades más empobrecidas de Colombia[6].


One day he met some people who caught his attention: Gilberto and Miguel Rodríguez Orejuela. They got to know each other and he immediately began his induction into the entrepreneurial initiative that would give him access to the comfortable life he always wanted.
Already sure of how to manage the business, he decided to have his own network of airports, airplanes, and his own and external collaborators with a new product in mind: The poppy flower as raw material for heroin production.
He chose the northern part of Valle del Cauca as his base of operations, agreed on a strategic partnership with the Rodriguez Brothers but ran into the FARC-ELN binomial as the de facto alternate government in the area, which, together with his allergy to anything that smelled of communism, served as motivation to attack them with weapons and even took responsibility for the murder of several of the leaders of the nefarious Marxist-oriented tandem that used violence to seize political power in impoverished Colombia.